Worlds First P-MARK SPCR199 Systems

Edward Barnes
January 18, 2020

Reacton Fire Suppression is the first company to achieve certification to the latest standard for fire systems in heavy equipment vehicles.  Below is an explanation of the new standard called P-Mark SPCR199 and how Reacton have achieved the highest scores classifying the systems as A+.

P-Mark according to SPCR 199 has been developed for fire suppression systems in engine compartments of heavy vehicles. This new global approval has been quickly adopted and referenced as the benchmark for heavy vehicles. The test methods and components tests demand the very highest performance from components and systems, examples of these demanding tests are:

  • Evaluation to ensure no re-ignition of fires.
  • Systems performance is evaluated to various degrees of openness to environments.
  • The system and components must pass the most extensive and extreme vibration tests of any certification for heavy vehicles.
  • Additional testing for corrosion and environmental operating temperatures to ensure even in the worst case the system still discharges.
  • A factory inspection to ensure the quality control of the systems design and manufacturing.

Reacton achieved the highest score possible in the P-Mark SPCR 199 with a 10/10 rating and Level of openness rating of III (Fully Open). This performance ensures that even with the highest airflow, hidden fire are extinguished which are conditions which foam and watermist systems often fail. Unlike a number of systems Reacton has certified a variety of sizes to ensure that from the smallest engine bay up to larger equipment a compliant P-Mark SCPR199 system can be fitted.

To find out more about this certification please visit the RISE website here.

A copy of our certification can be found on our approvals page by clicking here.


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