Jodie Bush - Executive Assistant to Group CEO

Paul Smith
August 9, 2023

Reacton is pleased to welcome Jodie to the team to support group CEO Sam Malins in Dubai.

What is your role at Reacton?

To support Sam Malins in Dubai on the general day to day operations, sales, and projects.

What is your favourite part of the job so far?

I have really enjoyed getting to meet the team, learn about the products and systems and be a part of an industry that is new to me.

Can you explain Reacton in three words? 

Innovation, Intelligence and Growth.

What's the most unusual thing in your desk drawer?

I've always got a can of soup at the ready.

What is something that people don't know about you? 

In a previous life, I was a scuba instructor.

What’s your food heaven and hell?

My food heaven is Aubergine. Food hell is Shakshuka.

When you were younger, what did you want to be?

The plan was to work in forensics, then I spent the summer in Dubai before Uni and never left.

What is your favorite emoji?

My usual response to most things is 💃🏼

For more information on Reacton Fire Suppression products, please get in touch with the team by emailing or call us on + 44 (0)800 0306526.

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